

Providing more links is in itself not sufficient.  The link often results in
yet another hit in some of the less-smart search engines. Ditto YAPP (Yet
Another Page on Parkinson).

My intention is to act as an "ambassador" for the PARKINSN list.  I'll visit
some of the other PD message boards and list and make sure people with
questions are aware of the other boards and lists.

And maybe we can help newbies to spot which books on the floor are "dog-eared"
from being well used.

Linda J Herman wrote:
>    - Could our list  web site owners provide more links to other
> "PWP-friendly"
> sites, and those that they have visited themselves and know provide
> accurate, up-to-date information. Could you also include links labeled
> something like "Good sites for the newly diagnosed."
>   - William Parrett offered some hints for increasing the ranking of web
> sites on search engines. William, could people contact you for assistance
> if needed to adjust their meta-tags?
>  - Volunteers could check the directories and meta-sites that have a PD
> category, and note which of our favorite sites are missing, and ask the
> site owners to submit their pages for inclusion.
>  - Each of the PD organization sites offers unique and valuable
> information. Could they link to each other?  For example, the NPF site
> has some good information on Young Onset PD, and there is additional info
> on the APDA Young Onset I&R site. Why not link to one another? We need
> all the information we can find.  I also noticed yesterday on the NPF
> site there is a new Parkinson's Ring link - but only 4 sites are on it so
> far. It doesn't say where this Ring originated - but this could be a good
> tool if there are some guidelines for which links are included.
>         Any other ideas?
> Linda

Frans van Duinen
     (416) 652-8580
     Toronto, Ontario