Robert wrote:
  She is at her wit's end.  He has made my mother's life intolerable.  I only hear of these things second hand from the telephone (I live in Vancouver, almost 7000 km away), but I understand that it has reached crisis levels because now he has also added violence to the whole mix -- he threatens my mother constantly (grabs her arms and tries to break her fingers, chokes her, takes large knives and threatens her etc.)
Robert, there is a syndrome called Parkinson's - Plus that differs from classical PD in that there is a strong element of dementia involved.  Some have commented that this syndrome is actually Alzheimers with PD added - and it sounds as though your father is suffering from such an affliction.  Your mom needs to  re-evaluate her roll as caregiver if you father is threatening her with knives and other forms of violence - you could lose both parents if some intervention doesn't take place soon.  Don't count on PD meds making this situation better.  Your father's rapid deterioration requires medical evaluation and action now.  Perhaps hospitalization is in order so that other adjunct therapies and home health care or nursing home care can be considered.
Please let us know how your dad and mom are doing.
God bless
Mary Ann (CG Jamie 60/20)