

Hi all,

        On Thu, 13 Apr 2000, the digest contained:

> Date:    Thu, 13 Apr 2000 16:52:42 -0400
> From:    Judy George <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: Changing personality types (Was: Re: Kristi and her Question)

> i have been in a profession which requires an extrovert appearnce with
> confidence exudeded etc
> however as a personality type i get my renewal and energy being with myself,
> thinking, contemplating you know the style
> i am not naturally a people person
> this seemed a paradox to me but with experience it seemed true
> the chap who did the types didnt use the word older he said that in the
> third stage oflife profiles sometimes change

        How interesting -- just like my situation!

        I  have  never  understood  what  attracted  me  to the teach-
     ing/training profession.  In fact, I was "thrown into it,"  "head
     first!"  But, once I got the hang of it, I was hooked.  I've been
     doing it for 15 years now and have enjoyed almost  every  day  of

        And,  I  hope I can quell the PD symptoms to continue doing it
     for a few more years.

        I  am not naturally a "people person" and I too get my renewal
     from within.  But, when I get up in front of that class and start
     talking  --  talking,  that  is, about a subject I know something
     about -- my "Mr. Hyde" comes out and I become a different person.

        Some  of  my students who have wanted to try to get to know me
     outside of class have commented on  the  difference.   Some  have
     tried to take advantage of it.

        Well, I'm glad to know that there are other people who are, at
     least, a bit like me out there.  Thanks for writing  and  sharing

  ...who asks "Is there another word for synonym?"
                                                      (42) o o o o
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