

"I Want A Girl, Just Like the Girl, That Married Dear Old Dad"

George was 29 and still single. All of his friends were married, but George
just dated and dated.

One day Bill asked him why he wasn't married. "Don't you want to settle
down? Are you holding out for the perfect woman? Are you having trouble
meeting someone compatible?"

"Actually," George replied, "I've found many women I would have been happy
to marry. Things always start off fine, but when I bring them home to meet
my parents, my mother never approves of them."

Bill thinks for a moment. "I've got the perfect solution, just find a girl
who's just like your mom!"

A few months later Bill ran into George again. George looked a little
depressed so Bill asked how things were going. "Did you find the perfect
girl? Did your mother approve?"

George shrugged his shoulders. "Yes, I found the perfect girl. Yes she was
just like my mom. Yes, you were right, not only did my mom approve, but they
became good friends."

"What's the problem?" asked Bill.

"My father can't stand her."