

Ken--or should I say "White hat" ?
It's great to see you back again-- no matter what the subject of your
discourse you always leave me smiling !   :-)    :-)    :-)

>I KNEW I had heard "Keffuffle and Kaflouy" somewhere before, I just
>remembered where! I once owned a car called a "Sunbeam Rapier" and that's the
>sound it made while it was trying to start, if it actually DID start (rarely)
>after several seconds of Keffufle, Kaflouy, it would go "blap-blap-blap-blap"
>and then run ok the rest of the day. Otherwise it went
>"blap-blap-blap-snort!" and did not want to be bothered until the next
>morning!  I think the "Sunbeam" part of the name was after a popular kitchen
>mixer, it ran like it was mashing potatoes with a few rocks mixed in! The
>"Rapier" part was due to the price of replacement parts,  if you could find
>them, when you saw the price, you felt like you'd been raped! I found out
>that the car was really a Hillman Minx in disguise,  and used to go to the
>junkyard  and get Hillman parts really cheap!  Hillmans were sold in the USA
>to get even for sending Chevrolet Corvairs  to England!  Hence the
>expression: "Don't Get Angry, Get Even" ! It appears to have worked!
>"Don't buy a used car from" :Ken

        ---just for fun!........ Camilla        <[log in to unmask]>

     also on PDWebring at :

                          Laughter--    :-)   :-)
                             the best medecine !