

Hi All,
You Know... it's time to turn off the 'puter and catch some
ZZZZZZZZZZZZ's when you start to fwd a post to respond to a request
for gene info in NZ and then see it appear on screen as a reply
to the List.....

ie: Re: PMID: 10746597: APOE and the risk of PD with or without

Thanks for the article anyway Hans....

You know.... it's really something when you see the interaction
of real talent like Joe Bruman and Hans van der Genugten,
generously digging up the Bermuda info, and amazingly,
linking it to the PubMed abstracts, and then posting the
clickable link format here for all of us, where it can be seen on
the web on John Cottingham's site, or later retrieved from the
archives provided by Simon Coles using the instructions on his
web site or the ones graciously offered by Janet Paterson,
and this whole labor of love all takes place for Free! Gratis! Nada!

For us!

my apologies for sleeping on my keyboard.... murray

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