

Dear PIEN friends,

The broadcast went very well. The telephone here
was already ringing, at 05:03 AM, about the radio show.

We taped  an excellent, HIGH-QUALITY audiocassette tape
directly off WHOM-FM.  The interview covers PD, and people and
living with PD, in considerable depth. The interview consists of 30
minutes of surprisingly fast-paced questions and answers.

Did anyone on the PIEN list hear the interview?  Locally,
it aired from 5:00 AM  through 5:30 AM. Your reaction to it?

Is this a first-of-its-kind interview?  Has anyone  else on
PIEN made a radio appearance, to discuss PD?  How do you
handle audiocassette requests??

Thank you,

Ivan Suzman

On Sat, 15 Apr 2000 23:15:03 -0400 Ivan M Suzman <[log in to unmask]>
> ^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
>  Ivan Suzman        50/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
>  Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses       57    deg. F   :-)
> ********************************************************************
> WHOM-FM radio station's  1/2 hr. show,"Perspectives," will be on
> later
> TONIGHT,at either 0500 or 0530 AM
> on Sunday morning ( siix hours from now).  It was taped on Tuesday,
> April
> 11th,
> ....(CUT)