

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        50/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses       38 cold , rainy deg. F
    An APDA official says that there are 60,000 (conservative estimate-
could  possibly be 70,000)
new PD diagnoses per year.  I don't know the exact sources. He referred
physicians in the New York City area who advise the APDA.
60,000  new cases/ 52 weeks per year= 1148 new PD cases each week

That would be one PD diagnosis every 7 minutes,
if these new diagnoses were made continuously, 7 days x 24 hours/day

But PD diagnoses usually are made on an office schedule,
that is, not for 7  days, but just a 5 days a week, on a typical doctors'
office schedule.
For most clinics, neurologists who can diagnose are available
7 hours per day(9AM - 12noon and 1-5PM).

That's 7 hours per day, x 5 days per week, or 35 office hours per week,
so take
1148 new cases, divide by 35 hours x 60 min. per hour;

or 2100 open office minutes per week, to diagnose new patients.
DO the division, and one gets 2100/ 1148, or, a new PD patient every 1.9

There is therefore, a new  PD diagnosis every 1.9
minutes in the United States, Monday through Friday.

While I have typed this message, there have
been 7 more PD patients newly diagnosed.

Take this new statistic to your NEXT PD-related conversation.
