

I KNEW I had heard "Keffuffle and Kaflouy" somewhere before, I just
remembered where! I once owned a car called a "Sunbeam Rapier" and that's the
sound it made while it was trying to start, if it actually DID start (rarely)
after several seconds of Keffufle, Kaflouy, it would go "blap-blap-blap-blap"
and then run ok the rest of the day. Otherwise it went
"blap-blap-blap-snort!" and did not want to be bothered until the next
morning!  I think the "Sunbeam" part of the name was after a popular kitchen
mixer, it ran like it was mashing potatoes with a few rocks mixed in! The
"Rapier" part was due to the price of replacement parts,  if you could find
them, when you saw the price, you felt like you'd been raped! I found out
that the car was really a Hillman Minx in disguise,  and used to go to the
junkyard  and get Hillman parts really cheap!  Hillmans were sold in the USA
to get even for sending Chevrolet Corvairs  to England!  Hence the
expression: "Don't Get Angry, Get Even" ! It appears to have worked!
"Don't buy a used car from" :Ken