

To: Murray Charters

 I am convinced that idle hands make work for the devil; consequently, I
make a determined effort to be as active as possible every day.

 A typical day begins at about 5 am (+/-).  I turn on my Medtronic Extrel
neurostimulator pop a Sinemet CR and half a Permax into my mouth and walk
out the door of my apartment for a brisk 5 km - thats 3.15 miles for the
American non-metric types - walk with my 4½ year old Airedale Terrier
'Madam' in Toronto's Rosedale Ravine system.  That takes 45 minutes (+/-)
and clears the cobwebs.  When I return, I feed the dog, have a shower and
shave and get dressed.  Then comes breakfast - about an hour, sometimes
more - during which I read the National Post and The Globe and Mail.  Its
now between 7:30 and 8:00.

 I go into my home office and work on whatever project(s) are occupying my
mind - this morning it's a Reception on May 25 for my SuperWalk sponsors
who, over the past six years, have given over $50,000 to the Foundation.
The one thing I can't do is write longhand , so I'm preparing the invitation
list which my wife and daughter will hand-address.

 Thats what I've got to now, and its only7:30
----- Original Message -----
From: "Murray Charters" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2000 12:37 AM
Subject: Re: What I've been up to

> Hi Bill,
> That's a pretty good start for Parkinson's month!
> Do you agree with me that being busy is the absolute best way to
> deal with day to day Parkinson's??