

>Dear Ivan & all: After seemingly starting the last brawl on the list,
>you may not think that my efforts are very noteworthy, but one week from
>today on Sunday, April 30 at beautiful Shore Acres Clubhouse in
>Chillicothe, IL., I have put together our 2nd PD Awarenes Day.


Oh Joan, what a day it will be!  I am astounded and delighted at the work
you have all done and what it has accomplished!  This
festival-with-significance will do so much to heighten awareness of PD in
those who attend or read and hear about it.  Here's a big hug and pat on
the back for all your labors!

CAMILLA  FLINTERMANN           <[log in to unmask]>


also on PDWebring at :

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ Here's a BEAR-HUG for YOU !}}}}}}}}}}}}}

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