

Allison - Thanks for your quick reply.  I only knew Merle and Larry.  He
was studing to be a physcologist, specilizing in family conouselling.  He
was a member of the Friends Church, so when it came time to be drafted,
he opposed,  claiming he was a conscientious objector. So they sent him
to Houston to work in community service for 2 years and ended up at the
Houston Housing Authority where I was secretary to the Director.  He had
a gorgeous voice and since I played the piano, we instituted singalongs
for the elderly. Merle delivered a beautiful baby girl while here, and I
became an instant "Aunt Jo Ann".  To answer your query, I didn't know
anyone else in his family.  I'll just call information there and try to
locate them.  Thanks again. Have a good week. Jo Ann from Houston