

Hi Kathy-- you've had some helpful replies, but let me add a thought-- PD
is not diagnosed with scans, but clinically, meaning the neuro (hopefully
one with MUCH PD experience, or a movement disorder specialist) watches you
walk, tap toes, touch fingers together, tests arms for "cogwheeling"
effect, stiffness of posture, lack of arm swing,etc.  I hope this was
done--perhaps the disease is very early, and not many of these show
up.....still they should be checked.  MRI,CAT,etc ate useful in determining
that you do NOT have some other condition, rather than to dx. PD  . Thus
the suggestion of testing for MS with a scan.
And I can understand the hesitation because of age---but GENDER???? Females
get PD early too, so far as I know  :-)

Let us know what you learn, please.

Kathy wrote in part:
>Hello.  I posted a message about a week ago regarding possible Parkinson's.
>Thank you for being so helpful.  Your responses helped me immensely in
>obtaining information for my appointment with the specialist today.
>You were so helpful, in fact, that I must share my experiences from today,
>in hopes that some really good information flies back at me.
>The specialist thinks my symptoms are too mild to actually diagnose as
>Parkinson's.  And I'm thinking "Too mild?  What has to happen here?  Shall I
>fall over dead?"  Just a little sarcasm.

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 81/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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