

There are a few topics that call for a response, there are a few issues
that fall in the category of Evil. Silence on such behavior implies

It is imperative, if we want Democracy and Freedom to survive and grow,
that we be vigilant to actions that have as it's goal the removal of choices.
Growing up during the Depression of the 30s, which included the rise of the
KKK, the imprisonment of Orientals, the rise of Hitlerism and all that
implied, the personal loss of
Family and Friends, and the pain and conflict over the ends of such Wars.
I, along with many of my peers felt that our way to acknowledge that these
people "did not suffer in vain" was to believe that the ends do not justify
the means, and, that the means we use do determine the end. Our way of
expressing that was the belief that vigilance is the price of democracy.

We are a country that is the meddling pot of the world, with many cultures
and many religions and beliefs. To demand that one point of view must serve
all of us with out due process and respect for other points of view and the
search for rational and scientific truth, we have made a mockery of our
Ideals and Laws.

If Senator Brownbeck believes as he does, that is fine for him and me, BUT
he must show the same regard for others that chose another point of view.
Unfortunately that's the "rub", it appears that he does not.