

Judy, JoAnn, and All...

One of the first rules of this list, as explained to us by Barb
Patterson (Paterson?) who IS the List OWNER, is that  the "List
Golden Rule" as it applies to us AND to our fellow List members
is, "Thou shalt not PUBLICLY BASH a fellow List member."

It was then pointed out to us the many virtues of  using PRIVATE
Email to express oneself without *purposely* setting out to make
anyone else look like a fool, including oneself...

To paraphrase a famous statesman,  "It's better to for one to sit
with one's mouth SHUT and let people WONDER If one is a fool than
to open one's mouth and  remove all doubt.

Further, it's been suggested (more times than I can count!) that
IF anyone has a beef against some one on the List, that rather
than take the issue directly to that other individual VIA PRIVATE
EMAIL and settle the issue in an mature adult manner.

Ultimately, NOTHING good ever comes out of trying to  publicly
humiliate another individual, and especially by doing so that THEY
are made to feel embarrassed or pushed so hard by your verbal
assault as to feel forced to go on the offensive, protecting their
front while the aggressor does an about face and stabs them in
their back..

FINALLY, every single keyboard sold worldwide comes with a
"DELETE" key.  If you disapprove of someone's comment or thought,
Just click on your delete key and forget you've ever seen 'em

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]
loooooooong time List member, and 25 years with PD.

-----Original Message-----om: Judy George
<[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Friday, April 28, 2000 12:41 AM
Subject: Re: perceptions of humour tolerance compassion acceptance

>life is too good to do more than enjoy it
>>From: JoAnn Coen <[log in to unmask]>
>>Reply-To: Parkinson's Information Exchange Network
>><[log in to unmask]>
>>To: [log in to unmask]
>>Subject: Re: perceptions of humour tolerance compassion
>>     forgiveness
>>Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 20:36:58 EDT
>>Judy George - Someone wrote me to my private mail box and said
we are
>>beating our heads against the wall where Janet is
>>concerned.  She obviouslly cares about no one but herself and in
>>illusions of grandeur, she thinks everyone should have her
"bitter" sense
>>of humor and that everyone, who wants to "follow" her should
either be
>>able to access the web, and do something to be able to.  Don't
fight her,
>>you can't win. Jo Ann from Houston
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