

Dear Ivan and all,

I just read your letter asking if anyone out there is doing anything to
promote the awareness of PD. I'm sure that none of us will ever do enough
in the eyes of people with PD to speed up the finding of a cure for PD.

However, I believe that there are many people working very hard to get
the message out. Many of them do it in a very quiet way and do not look
for recognition from the world. Many support groups actively present
programs, put out newsletters, appear on local TV shows, etc.

People like Dale Severance, Jim Cordy, the Tuchmans, Carol Walton, Joan
Samuelson,just to name a few, have been doing an exceptional job in
getting the message out.

Our support group is small in comparison to some others, but we do all of
the things that I mentioned above. We put out a newsletter. Two of our
members appear on TV two or three times a year. Several write letters to
the newspapers. We set up informational booths at Health Fairs. Four of
us do informational programs to groups to explain PD to the general
public.(We are the M&M Show). We are  extremely supportive of each other
within our group which is what a support group should be for!

I write this not to get recognition for our group, but to tell you that
it does not always show when people work hard for their cause. I truly
believe that there are many people doing their best in their own small or
large way. Also many people with PD or other problems can not physically
or emotionally do some of the things you ask.

Many thanks to all of you who continue to work for PD! Keep up the good

May you all be blessed this Easter weekend!

Nancy McCaffrey  CG for Ed