

Dear YH Tan and list,
      As you will see each PWP experiences the disease differently,
although it is generaally said that the progression tends to be slow in
young onset cases. There are few statistics on young onset PD, and I
don't know of any databases at this time. I was diagnosed at 45, about 4
1/2 years ago, and I am still taking small doses of medication and
continue to work. I think Murray's letter offered excellent advice to a
newly diagnosed patient.
        Most importantly, I think  is to learn as much as you can about PD and
find a good neuro who is knowledgible about PD, and who will listen to
you. Try to keep a positive attitude, and take life a day at a time. I
think it helps  to take positive actions to fight PD and bring us closer
to a cure  in whatever way you choose - through political action, fund
raising, education, publicity - there are many different paths.
           Did anyone else happen to see Janet Reno on Nightline last
night. She was interviewed of course about the Elian case, but at the end
Ted Koppel stated that his mother also had PD, and recalled she was told
to try to avoid stress. He asked Janet how she was dealing with it. In
her usual manner she replied that it does increase her tremors, but she
doesn't let it stop her, and made it clear she could carry on with her
job. She also stated she has many more "mountains to cliimb." I believe
she is a great role model for other young Parkies, and wish her the best
as she now faces questioning by some hostile members of Congress who are
calling for hearings.
       JUst wondering - if this is their way of further postponing action
on issues like drug coverage, patient bill of rights, stem cell research,
and all the rest?