

1. Where was Michael J. Fox born?

Michael J. Fox was born June 9, 1961 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

2. What was the first TV series Michael J. Fox appeared in?

Fox made his professional acting debut on the CBS series, Leo and Me.

3. Which U.S. President did Alex, Fox's character on the hit show Family
Ties, idolize?

While the show aired during Reagan's time in office, Alex P. Keaton's idol
was Richard Nixon.

4. Where did Michael J. Fox meet his future wife, Tracey Pollan?

Pollan guest-starred as Fox's girlfriend on the show and they hit it off.

5. How many children do Fox and his wife, Tracy Pollan, have?

Fox and Pollan have a son (Sam) and twin daughters (Aquinnah and Schuyler).

6. What recent film starred Michael J. Fox's voice?

Michael J. Fox lent his voice to E.B. White's famous mouse, Stuart Little.

7. How tall is Michael J. Fox?

Michael J. Fox, at 5' 4", is a few inches shorter than his wife.

8. Who will replace Fox on the hit series Spin City?

Brat packer Sheen has signed to take over the leading role on Spin City.