

Has anyone had a  cardiac catherization and cardiac/coronary
angiography.....               ...they want to do one on me........I
chickened out when I saw what I had to sign in front of a witness no less
where  the other papers I signed didn't require a witness....wasn't sure
about PD medication  reaction with whatever they would give me....went into
emergency with tightness in chest and  spent 3 days in  hospital with all
kinds of tests that came out normal  except for one that showed a possible
blockage in an area difficult to confirm because I am female....I have a big
problem with  water  retention...and now they think it might be from the
heart.....everything else checks out fine...happened to meet my neuro whom I
trust in ER and she recommended the cardiologist so I have no problem there.
I have my four adult kids upset with me because I refused the test...but the
day they wanted to do it when I woke up  I just didn't "feel" right about
having it done...I wasn't scared or anything just felt like I needed to
check out med reactions, and clean up a few legal things, just in
case.........I have scheduled a followup in 10  days with the cardiologist
and will probably do it  then....but would like some input....please reply
to me off list so I don't take everyone's time and space with the
emails...thanks ...Joan Hartman   [log in to unmask]