

Senator Brownback calls for Nazi like condemnation of millions to suffering
and death.

I am outraged!   I just heard the testimoney of Kansas Senator Brownback.
He compared stem cell research to the medical research done by Nazis in the
concentration camps during world war two.  I call on the people of Kansas as
well anyone in the country to flood Senator Brownback with calls and letters
taking exception to that remark. If there is a comparison to be made with
the unconscionable acts of the Nazis, it is  Brownback 's behavior that is a
abominable.  Stem cell research uses fertilized eggs that are going to be
destroyed anyhow by fertility clinics because they are in excess of those
needed during the fertilization process.  A small number of these 6 to 7 day
old embryos can produce the stem cells that might see Christopher Reeves
walk again ,as well as restore health to millions who suffer from a wide
range of disabilities.  Condemning those millions to suffering and death is
what Brownback proposes by his support of a federal ban on embryonic stem
cell research.  If anyone should be called a Nazi it is Brownback