

Hello List Friends,

Some more thoughts on my problem. It seems to me that if I did something
that would interfere with the proper benefit that I should have gotten from
the dose of sinemet, i.e , taken with food, or taken with protein etc.....
that the process that kept the drug from doing any good, would also have
kept the drug from doing anything bad also! In other words, it should not
have done anything ------"good or bad". Is this not logical? Whatever would
keep it from doing good would also keep it from doing bad.

And yes, I know,I need better qualified medical advice, I have the phone
numbers of the Movement Disorder Division right here on my desk, of both
Vanderbuilt University and Emory University. I live about 2 and 1/2 hours
from both of them, so I should be able to get some expert advice from them.
I am going to call them soon.

Lanier Maddux       Chattanooga Tn.

My original post to the  list is as follows

From: "plmaddux" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Bad reaction to sinemet, info please
Date: Tuesday, April 25, 2000 7:28 PM

I just took my first dose of sinemet and am having a bad reaction, I have
tremor as only symptom, took 1/2 of 25/100 witha light meal at 5pm, two
hours later my tremor in 4 times as violent as it has ever been, just talked
to doctor, he was no help, just said that sometimes sinemet does not help
tremor. what is going on here, i never heard of sinemet making sympoms worse
rather than better.

Lanier Maddux   64,4

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