

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        50/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses        39   deg. F   :-)
The local time is 1022PM.  I again am  without any
nighttime help, have had 2 ambulances hee, and need
your help, if at all possible, NOW, to prevent institutionalization.

 Maine's SEnate and HOuse are in an all-night session to
 conclude the Legislative session TONIGHT.
They are expected to be voting, and introducing EMERGENCY
AMENDMENTS all night long, to the Governor's budget proposal.

My live-in caregiver, and my 2 overnight workers have
all LEFT for other jobs,  because the pay rate for overnight
work, 12:15 AM to 6:45 AM is just $15.00.  Not per hour,
just $15.00 - about $2.00 per hour. The daytime rate is hourly,
at $7.30/hour.

I have been waking up alone and unable to turn in bed
to get my medicaitons, and TWO ambulances were
sent to my honme,  by people in other cities, worried about me,
yesterday morning. .

PLEASE, if you can, call Maine's Senate President, Mark Lawrence,
(207) 287- 1540
 and Maine;s SPeaker of the House of Representatives,
Steven Rowe, (207) 287-1400,
be introduced TONIGHT , RIGHT NOW , in the all-night session that
will go for several more hours.

Maine's governor Angus King is 207 287-3531, and
my home phone is 207- 797-8488.

SUCH amendment can change the OVERNIGHT
pay rate from $15.00 to $10/hour, or in my case, $70.00

Thank you. PWP's and CG's and friends.  Your call
could prevent me , and others like me, from losing my battle to stay
home, and could
stop the Bureau of Elder and Adult Services, which pays my
care providers, from forcing me to be  placed in nursing home.

Ivan Suzman

Exhausted but still a tiger!