

May God keep Ivan out of a nursing home.  The idea makes my skin crawl, for

But as I read Ivan's reasons for remaining in his home I as reminded that
nursing home placement need not be the 'ultimate solution' for people with
PD (Ivan, the rest of what I write is *not* for you, but offers an
alternative for others).

Foster care placement allows those who are still want to 'have a life' to
continue with their's.  Usually, Foster Care occurs in ordinary housing with
small numbers of similarly impaired residents.  Care is offered around the
clock, but residents are not bond to the home, may travel if capable, may
have pets in some instances, and may even cook for themselves - if their
disability allows.  Maybe instead of the PD community seeking large
residential facilities to provide services to our loved ones, we should
consider forming such 'group homes'.
God bless
Mary Ann (CG Jamie 60.20)