

Being new to the list, I just want to say I learn from all of you.  I was
deeply touched by Ivan's share.

The shares this moring put me in mind of something from the Bible which I
can't quote, but which says that for everything there is a season.  I
don't know where we are all going, but I do trust that Love will get us
there safe and sound, regardless of how  grim things appear through the
eyes of our little earth suits (bodies).

But it is sure hard at times not to give in to fear, and fear's
byproduct, anger.  The trouble with these emotions is they separate me
from God and others.

My wife and I returned across country last night from the final screening
process for a clinical trial with enormous potential, at least in early
stage cases like mine (59/58/55), but it may take many months to see
results, plus chance of being placeboed and not even know it for as much
as two years.  PK has taught me not to dwell on the future, and this is a
good time to apply that idea.

So today I am going to work on accepting whatever comes today, grateful
to PK for teaching me to live in the now, and also grateful to PK for
bringing so many opportunities to experience loving connection with

I read something that helps me when I see apparently confict around me,
and that is than in everything we do we are either giving love or asking
for love.  My though is that sometimes we get a little testy in the
asking mode, but that is when we give others the greatest opportunities
to show compassion.

Love to all