

actually, due to the timing of this whole thing - my "lurking" response seems
uglier than it probably is -

i've been reading 4 days worth of postings, skipping as much as i can, then
getting a tidbit of info and "wanting" to go back and find the initial
message - it truly IS like looking at the car wreck on the side of the road -
it's not necessary to see, nor pleasant, but you can't help it -

i really do believe that everyone on the list  wants to know that they can
speak freely here, plus obtain information and be guided to additional
sources - online or off -

many of the messages read on this site can be "felt" - the curiosity and/or
dread from the newly diagnosed, the weariness expressed in the wee hours of
the night or mid-day by the CGiver, the absolute desperation in the voices of
those whose parent or spouse is experiencing symptoms they've never had
before - do they sound familiar to anyone here?  should an ambulance be
called?  will it stop?  does it stop?  does it "ever" stop?

sadly, the "ugliness" can also be felt - not "anger" - but words that have an
edge to them and are so pointed -

words of advice from someone who doesn't always take her own:   maybe, in
those inspired moments of replying back to one who has offended, we:
click "send later"
relax and or read a few more postings
and then go back and read our message - you know like we've all been taught
to do when we used to write angry letters to someone that P.U.O. (angered us)

i totally believe this would help - i just wish i had remembered this

  daughter of Dempsey-PWP (71/16+)
  & Jo Ann-CGiver