

I received this information yesterday. The NPF, WebMD, and Muhammad Ali
joining together in the fight against PD:

"On May 3rd, WebMD will host a live online chat event with Muhammad Ali and
his wife Lonnie at 7 PM ET.As  you probably know, Mr. Ali was diagnosed with
Parkinson's syndrome in his early 40s and his stature as an American icon
brings awareness to Parkinson research and study.

We invite and encourage you to participate.

At this one hour event, you'll be able to view and contribute to the
discussion if  you wish. Whether you yourself suffer  from Parkinson's, or
whether you're a caregiver, this online forum is certain to be of great
value and support.  Please be sure  to invite your family and friends to the
event, too --
we believe everyone will find it helpful.

We'd also like to mention if you haven't visited WebMD on the internet, this
month is an especially good time to get acquainted. At WebMD, our ongoing
mission is to bring together patients, doctors and researchers through the
internet to improve health......."

"To participate  in the online chat..... simply log on to  on May 3rd at 7  PM ET."