

Hi Mary Ann,

Thanks a lot for your reply. Instead of Sinemet, my father's physician now
advises him to take carbidopa & levedopa 25/100 mg(3 tablets a day).I have
asked my mother to take blood pressure of my father at various time of a day
like your suggestion. One thing I'm so worried about is that it's
unpredictable when my father is going to be unconscious. It can happen at
anytime of a day. It didn't only happen when he was sitting but also when he
is moving. He said, suddenly he felt like asleep and he backout for about 15
minutes. Some people suggested that this symptom could be caused by the side
effects of other drugs, but beside carbidopa & levedopa, my father doesn't
take any other drugs. My father physician in Vietnam has no idea about my
father symptom so I feel so hopeless. If anybody knows anything about this
symptom, please respond. I really appreciate it.


> > My father usually becomes unconscious when he is sitting in a position
>for a while, not when he is standing up or sitting down. He has asked his
>physician in Vietnam, but the physician has no idea what's going on with my
>father. He still advise my father to take Sinemet 25/100 mg, 3 tablet a

>Mary Ann wrote,
Yen, I'm sorry to hear about your father's continued problems. It would seem
that, for some reason, his blood pressure is very, very low. Sinemet can
cause such difficulties - but so can a variety of other problems,including
undiagnosed heart and heart valve diseases.  I'm wondering if your father
would do better on a lower dose of Sinemet - like half a tablet. Ask his
neurologist if such a switch in treatment is advisable. In the meantime, it
would be beneficial to know what your father's blood pressure is at various
times of the day - and whether a drop in blood pressure is related to when
he takes Sinemet. Is it possible for someone to take his blood pressure.
>God bless
>Mary Ann

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