

Hi All: I have been uncharacteristically silent these past
few weeks due to a variety of reasons, the happiest of them
being getting ready for #3 son's wedding this Saturday. As
a semi-lurker, I got to see the List from-for me-a unique
point of view. And I was blown away by the great job you
guys do every day. Just a few examples:
Murray's 30 Parkinson's Awareness Month Postings
Janet's re-working of her website
J.R.'s Secondary Symptoms of PD
Hans' medical abstracts, diabolical doublets, & a chance to
match wits (sometimes in Dutch)
Bonnie, for her humor and general maintenance of Sparkle
To you and the others who contribute so much, thanks for
being there day or night at the other end of my keyboard.
                     Carole 51/53/?45

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