

Created by, this free and constantly revised
encylopedic dictionary of classic and contemporary medical terms
contains over 9,000 entries. Written entirely by physicians for both
professional and non-professional readers, the dictionary also
includes "pertinent scientific items, abbreviations, acronyms,
jargon, institutions, projects, symptoms, syndromes, eponyms, medical
history -- all having to do with medicine and the biomedical
sciences, particularly anything of value and of interest." Users can
browse the dictionary by alphabetical entry or conduct a keyword
search. The length of dictionary entries vary widely, and some are
quite brief. Some, however (mostly conditions or diseases), include
links to detailed articles and related forums at the MedicineNet main
site. While new medical information sites seem to pop up every day,
the depth of Medterms, the frequent updates, and its doctor-only
editors mark it as a notable resource. [MD]

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