

hi all

this was my intro to a re-posting...
which included an intro to a re-posting...

Post: 056614
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999
From: janet paterson
Subject: tears, a tale, and a re-run on depression by alan bonander: re-post

hi all

one of the most difficult aspects of clinical depression [cd]
for me was recognising it in myself:
if my thinking processes are distorted by cd,
how can i evaluate my thinking processes?

i thought this re-post might be timely for anyone
who might be languishing in the seemingly permanent doldrums
of the sea of cd or any situation resembling same


Date:  08/09/96 21:39
From:  Janet Paterson
Subj:  tears, a tale, and a re-run on depression

hello all [including clan-members!]

there has been some discussion recently about 'tear attacks' and pd.

at the risk of destroying any illusions
you all may have about my living in paradise,
[ed. note: the author lived in bermuda from 1981 to 1998]
i thought this little tale of mine might be relevant:

living here necessitates a certain tolerance for the local 'wild life' -
i.e. most new [human] arrivals are dismayed
by the healthy size and abundance
of our cockroaches.

after my initial shock,
i developed a strong hunting instinct, and would stalk them with enthusiasm
[and a large can of bugspray - a practice i have since abandoned -
but that's another tale]

however, one day i surprised myself by reacting completely differently.

bursting into tears at the sight of yet another interloper
was so unlike my normal reaction,
that i had to take a closer look at it.
[my reaction, not the interloper]

since i had learned a bit
about clinical depression from sharing a friend's worries,
i was able to recognise my response as a symptom of a larger problem.

some sessions with a therapist and a prescription for prozac
helped me regain my normal equilibrium.

i don't intend to suggest that
anyone feeling a bit 'teary' is suffering from clinical depression [cd],
but offer this as another viewpoint.

i believe that we pd-ers are more vulnerable than the average population
to our emotions, both mentally and physically.

we are also more likely to suffer with cd,
maybe partly due to our emotional vulnerability
as well as to our brain chemistry.

[the late] alan bonander posted this article about depression last january
and i thought it might be valuable to re-post it. i'm sure he'd approve.


Date:  Sun, 28 Jan 1996
Subj:  Depression in PD

... continues - see previous posting


janet paterson
53 now / 41 dx / 37 onset
613 256 8340 / PO Box 171 Almonte Ontario K0A 1A0 Canada
come visit my website "a new voice" at: