

On Wed, 3 May 2000 14:11:59 -0400 KF Etzold <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> It is unfortunately true that there is more than one kind of
> "Parkinsonism". So when
>  one or the other is mentioned it is in the interest of precision
> and not
> to split the community.

I agree that we need a unifying name, and that it
is important to recognize variations within that
name.  I think the general public recognizes
"Parkinson's Disease" more than any other
name.  I wish PD could be used more embracingly,
at least when we talk to the public.

  This is illustrated by the following example: Besides PD,
 I, too, have low blood sugar.  My neuro says I have
PD; but my family doctor says "Parkinson's plus"--

   To me, demystifying and CURING IT (hence my screen - name)
is more important than  anything else.


  And to Bob Armentout, I am truly awed at your dedication to
Dawana. The way  you have inspired us on PIEN, by
your fight for her life, despite your PD, is inspiring.
 Your positive energy far outweighs any temporary
failings, and I have absolutely nothing but praise for you,
for "soldiering on."
  Probably every one of us gets frustrated, and discovers how
we PWP's must keep together, to get anywhere.