

What an interesting posting regarding positive thinking and proper
nutrition.  Believe it or not, I have always believed that the power of
the mind far exceeds any chemical given it, although in some cases,
chemicals can give the boost one needs to get back on track.  I have a
book I keep on my coffee table, called. "You CAN Heal Your Body". It
tells what it is in the thinking processes that cause certain illnesses,
and gives positive attitudinal thoughts toward that disease, as well as
affirmations to overcome it.  Interesting enough, it says that PD is
caused by the extreme desire to control all situations, but being unable
to.  Now whether that is true or not, it doesn't matter.  What matters is
the ability to change your life by changing your thinking.  Depression
has devastated me, but I was told that mine was a situational depression
(if there really is such a thing).  I believe I wrote you,  Chuck, on
your personal
mail and told you why.  I do feel that some people can get over their
depression  - at least for a while - where others need assistance.I
certainly am an advocate of proper vitamin intake, and B vitamins being
extremely important because they affect the nervous system.
It's too bad that today's doctor's only have a few hours study in
nutrition and vitamin importance.  What they know had to be learned out
of residency by reading.  Most of us would benefit greatly if we would
read up on it.  I used to subscribe to Prevention Magazine, but it became
so commercial, I stopped my subscription.  Yet they were correct in
stating that proper nutrition, exercize and good sleep, was very
important. Depresssion isn't always lack of "not doing anything", or "Not
eating correctly", etc.  most of us are depressed because we feel,
"what's the use?"  What comes first, the chicken or the egg?   This is
especially true with PWP'S because they know - at this time - there is no
Yet, we can't give up hoping. None of us. Not the PWP's, not the CG's, or
almost CG's as I am.  We have to keep hoping.  I give credit to my PWP
and to William Parrette,  both of whom seem to have the greatest positive
attitude of all. Jo Ann from Houston