

> Barb Patterson has been given a wonderful award and recognition
> from the mayor of one of the key cities in ontario
> i couldn't be prouder of her and what she's done for us
> i have seen her workload from the other side of the server
> and still can't imagine how she manages to do it all
> and keep her full time job too!
> how about it --------------- chuck -------
> any congratulations from you guys for our list mom?
> or maybe a rousing cheer of hip hip hoooray?!
> janet

(-: smiley face in advance, meaning don't take much of the following
seriously, puleeez)
> I thought Onterio was a small city between Los Angeles and San
Bernardino here in California.  The people there make fun of us
Bakersfield folk 125 miles to the north (the home of Buck Owens, star of
the old TV show "He Haw"), so naturally, being very sensitive, I was
darned if I was going to congradulate anyone from Onterio.

But you talk about "cities" in onterio, you must mean that big cold place
with all the evergreen trees way up there.  Well, in that case,
congradulations to Barb.  Beiing in my first few days on the list I
didn't have the background information or long term acquaintance I
thought necessary to join the congradulations.  Now that you have invited
me to do so, "Hip Hip hoorah!
