

While Peter has never been "clinically depressed" he did experience
dep[ression for a number of years prior to being dxd with PD.  Other early
symptoms were memory problems and constipation. No reason for these was
discovered until 1989 when he dxd  himself woth PD, which the doc promptly
confirmed.Significant then was stiffness of arms (lack of swing)
cogwheeling of arm, vry minor tremor of right thumb--he still has little
tremor.  I tend to suspect that the early depression was a PD-is-coming
symptom but we had no idea at the time.  For the past several years he has
taken Prozac, and while it doesn't make him "Bozo the Clown" it does
lighten his mood.  I tend to believe it was only partly "situational", as
he didn't know he had PD, and was more a personality trait, never severe
enough for hospitalization, etc.   FWIW---

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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