

Ivan wrote in part
>My neuro just revealed to me  yesterday that
>I am the only patient who would be totally
>froxen up without nighttime meds.He has
>60 PWP's in his practice of 200 or so patients.
>Maybe it's the tip of the iceberg; there
>must be MANY more PWP's like me.

For sure, Ivan---Peter also takes meds through the night--Sinemet  ,
ReQuip, Sinemet CR and Seroquel.
I'm not giving specific times and doses,( like Don McKinley), as they are
unique, but our alarm goes off for meds at 11:30PM, 2:30 & 5:30 AM & 7:30
AM.   Often Peter is up ahead of his sleepy CG and takes the 7:30 himself.
His early morning hours are good, and I'm sure this would not be true
without the nighttime meds.

BTW-- thanks for purchase info re: tapes--I've fwd it to group leader.

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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