

From the Oxford, Ohio Citizens for Peace & Justice group---

>  What this could mean is the beginning of the end to easy public access
>to lots of government information if we are not careful.  I'd be more than
>happy to provide more information on the significance of this at the next
>OCPJ meeting if folks are interested.
>  Respectfully, Pamela Salela
>Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 16:08:14 -0500
>From: Jack Montgomery (W. Kentucky Univ.)
>Subject: Depository program funding cut
>From: Bernadine Abbott Hoduski [mailto: [log in to unmask]]
>The full House Appropriations Committee voted today, May 9, 2000, to
>drastically cut the funding for the depository program.
>They argued that the program could function as a totally
>electronic program.  This in spite of the fact
>the thousands of publications in the program are not in
>electronic form and will not be since many of them are maps,
>reports and other publicatins not suitable for electronic format.
>This will mean that depository libraries will not
>receive paper editions of the US Code, Federal Register,
>Congressional Record, CFR, hearings, reports, documents and
>many other publications.  This will be the end of a permanent
>record of government activities and publications in depository
>libraries unless libraries buy the publications or receive one
>of the few copies that the publishing agencies may have in
>paper. Most of these publications are not sold.
>If we learned nothing else from the recent virus attacks it is the
>fragility of our data bases and our access to them.  The
>future of research and knowledge about our government is at stake.
>Please email, fax, call or write your Member of the House asp.
>Send info on to other list serves, library directors,
>trustees, friends of libraries, newspaper reporters and editors, public
>interest groups and anyone else who needs long term access to government
>information. The press and the public do not understand the meaning
>of this action.  It is a good guess that many of those who will be
>voting on this bill do not understand it either.
>Bernadine, GODORT, ALA Council
>Bernadine Abbott Hoduski
>Government Information Advisor
>100 N. Lamborn,
>Helena, Montana
>******  END OF FILE ********** ACQflash ********** END OF FILE ******
>Pamela M. Salela, M.S., M.A.
>Educational Leadership,
>Women's Studies Selector and
>Academic Resident Librarian
>350 King Library
>Miami University Libraries
>Oxford, Ohio 45056
>PHONE: (513) 529-1674
>FAX: (513) 529-3110

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
<[log in to unmask]>

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