

Bob 'n Murray....

Hey youse two  wackos... if you're serving buttermilk pancakes for
that breakfast (it's at Murray's place, right?) <smirk>

Say, Murray, I looooove buttermilk pancakes but they've GOTTA be
served with REAL maple syrup, got that?!?  None of that "tastes
like..." stuff that all the pancake eateries serve now-a-days.

HEY LIST-PEOPLE!!  Breakfast's at Murray's!  Place your orders

Barb <ducking, running & grinning> Mallut
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-----Original Message-----
From: doublea <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Friday, May 12, 2000 4:02 AM
Subject: Re: NON PD PD & 3am

>My Dear Mr Murray -
>I was highly insulted by your insinuation that I have trouble
sleeping - I
>will have you know that I sleep like a baby - just like a baby. I
sleep a
>couple of hours, and  then I wake up yelling and ready to eat,
>but absolutely no trouble sleeping (SMILE)
>good morning murray, what's for breakfast?
>bob aka tex
>ps the best tip I have ever had, ---- is that one good turn gets
all the
>> Hi Bob,
>> I've noticed many times that certain people seem to often
>> post at 3am...  Myself, you (Tex), janet, & several others.
>> I typically sleep 2 -3 hours and then prowl around for a few
>> hours and sometimes catch a few more winks before the
>> 6am wake up call, breakfast, and my normal day....
>> Do we all have problems sleeping??
>> Anybody got any great tips to pass on??
>> Perhaps I'm extra wide awake tonight because I have an
>> acquaintence who was just awarded Woman of the Year...
>> :-) ....... murray
>> [log in to unmask]