

Way to go, Beverly-- and beautifully said--thanks!

>     I beleive that any one who reads our postings is an important part of
>group. There are no outsiders in that sense. Even those who remain  silent
>may have an insight when reading about the path of others. Perhaps  they say
>a prayer for those of us asking for help. We all have a role and I  encourage
>everyone to stay.
>My hope is that we can we create a space  with such love that any heart can
>be expressed without fear of criticism or  correction. There is much pain
>expressed on these pages, and few places in  our life that we can express it
>and receive a "hug" back.
>I  try to remember that people speak from their own frame of reference and
>from  their own pain, often with their comments having more to do with them
>than  the person addressed.  I beleive that is one way we learn from  each
>other and heal. I choose to accept any responses from friends here as  loving
>attempts to help me.
>Much  love,
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jo Ann Coen  <<mailto:[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask]>
>Date: Friday,  May 12, 2000 11:16 AM
>Subject: Outsider??????
>>I am truly  distressed to learn that I am an "outsider" on this listserv.
>>I  guess I shouldn't have taken "her" message so personally, but it cut  to
>>the bone, which I suppose is what "she" intended to  do.
>>All of you have read my messages, which I intended   to  send with love
>>and with which I had planned to offer hope and  encouragement.
>>Please let me know if YOU consider me an outsider as well,  and I
>>will stop.  I know I said that once before, but so many of you  let me
>>know  right away,that was wrong of me to think that way,  because that's
>>what "she" wanted, was for me to  quit.
>>This last tirade has me so upset, I'm going to bed for a  while.
>>Best wishes to all of you.  Jo Ann from  Houston

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
<[log in to unmask]>

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