

Here is an excerpt from a chapter I scanned in from the book The Vitamin
Bible, by Earl Mindell:

Chapter XVIII

You and Your Rx

Why Vitamins Have Come Under Attack

The medical establishment considers current therapy to be drugs, surgery,
and analysis.  Vitamins are rarely used in treatment, and preventive
medicine is still in its infancy.
The situation is changing, however, because the public wants health
professionals who are knowledgeable about nutrition.
Vitamins are natural substances and therefore not under government control.
Many doctors don't like this, because the availability of vitamins can lead
to the ppublic's experimenting on its own.  Large drugs corporations don't
like it because the substances are not patentable, which means they can't
make money from them.

Here is another excerpt from the same chapter:

The Great Medicine Rip-off

A recent study showed that ingredients found in common over-the-counter
cold, pain, and allergy remedies actually lowered the blood level of vitamin
A.  Since vitamin A protects and strengthens the mucous membranes lining the
nose, throat, and lungs, a deficiency could give bacteria a cosy home to
multiply in, prolonging the illness the drug was meant to alleviate.

Aspirin, the household wonder drug, the most common ingredient of pain
relievers, cold and sinus remedies, is a vitamin-C thief.  Even a small
amount can triple the excretion rate of vitamin C from the body.  It can
also lead to a defieiency of folic acid,  which could cause anaemia as well
as digestive disturbances.

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