

what a scream
i talk or mumble as i go to sleep if i am very tired or in a stressful
situation e.g.travelling
my granddaughters think it is hilarious but get frustrated because they cant
discern what i am saying
thank goodness perhaps
i am not medicated and it only occurs in extreme tiredness or stress

>From: Hilary Zunin <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Parkinson's Information Exchange Network
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Sleep talk!
>Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 16:21:37 -0700
>Is anyone else experiencing an increase in talking in your sleep, perhaps
>secondary to PD meds  (Eldepryl, Amantadine, Mirapex)?  My husband, Len
>(64/5), is chatting up a storm these days.  I keep a pad near the bed so
>that I can jot down the most interesting remarks.  Just last week, he said
>this one:
>         "It seems unnecessary, premature, and ridiculous.  Other than
>that, I'm all for it!"
>Actually, we've found this phrase amazingly useful at the oddest times.
>Anyway, he'll sometimes even repeat a phrase if I've missed a word and
>whisper a request for him to do so.  All of this without waking or any
>memory of the words the next morning. Comments?

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