

What you do is you reset the clock on your pc (where your email gets its time
stamp), to impress your boss/friends with the long hours you work.

Murray Charters wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> I've noticed many times that certain people seem to often
> post at 3am...  Myself, you (Tex), janet, & several others.
> I typically sleep 2 -3 hours and then prowl around for a few
> hours and sometimes catch a few more winks before the
> 6am wake up call, breakfast, and my normal day....
> Do we all have problems sleeping??
> Anybody got any great tips to pass on??
> Perhaps I'm extra wide awake tonight because I have an
> acquaintence who was just awarded Woman of the Year...
> :-) ....... murray
> [log in to unmask]

Frans van Duinen
     (416) 652-8580
     Toronto, Ontario