

My mother has the same problem and unfortunately speech therapy and the
microphones have not been much help.  She bought the hand held microphone
and I have wondered if the one that is worn around the neck or on the collar
would be better.  She forgets to hold the microphone near her mouth and it
is difficult to hold the microphone while you eat.  What has worked the best
for Mom is some breathing exercises and little notes to "enunciate" and
"breathe" posted where she can see them.  Her weak voice does seem to come
and go with good days and bad days, like most PD symptoms.   Tracy Goodbar

>From: CORINNE BOWMAKER <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Parkinson's Information Exchange Network
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: weak voice
>Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 16:55:19 PDT
>Hello Everyone,
>       I am usually a "lurker" reading the posts to get info/ideas for my
>Mom who has Parkinson's.  She has noticed that her voice is getting weaker
>and we more often have to ask her to repeat what she says.  She realizes
>that it is due to stiffening of the chest wall muscles and she's not
>enough projection of her voice.  Are there ideas that can help her?  Are
>there some exercises that she can do to strengthen her voice/chest wall
>muscles, to get more "oomph" behind her words?  What about the voice
> they sound "natural"?   Are they basically microphones?
>Thanks so much for your help!!
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