

Hi all,

        I  hope  you'll  excuse  me for asking, it just seems a little
     strange ...

        Is there something different in the air?

        Is it due to the change in seasons?

        Is there a new phase of the moon?

        Are the planets out of alignment?

        Is there a 'Net virus that jumps out of the  monitor  and  in-
     fects the person at the keyboard?

        Is  it just my imagination, or is the mood on the list getting
     a little whacky for no apparent reason?

        Perhaps we might do another tab of Sinemet, or maybe suck down
     a  brewski,  or quietly sip on that glass of Chardonnay as we sit
     back in that dark corner and ... er, uh, ... never mind.

        But, maybe we could all relax a bit, take a deep  breath,  and
     count to ten before hitting that reply key?  Maybe ...

  ...who says that a boss with no humor is like a job that's no fun.

(the jury is still out :-) )