

being good isnt much fun but i will try
thanks for your posting and your optimism and your determination
love judy

>From: Don McKinley <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Parkinson's Information Exchange Network
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: LIST:-----M.J.F
>Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 09:07:06 -0700
>last night VIVIAN and whitish 20/20 on MJF. at times we did not know if he
>was me or me or him. if lot of you that had read lo of my post over the
>years you can se me. how at times he would stutter, loose what was talking
>about. move his hands,arms to cover his shakes. not to ask for all
>you can and then do more. how he got leg,toes cramps. how at times we can
>forget things. how tough it is on the young PWP'S does not want a wheel
>chair so on. how every day it is a fight to go on. he ask or wondered what
>it would be like as you get older. i can put my hand on a bible and say it
>does not get any easyer. i told how i put in a patio,pained,cut my grass. i
>will say i do not do it much any more as i get wore out. i could do it in
>4hrs now 8 if then. but still try. all of us is different. put please do
>not sit and whatch t.v all day. also he and STACY HAVE THERE DIFF. he said
>lot of things that where right.  so if some one laugh or stare at you laugh
>and stare back. we are just as good as if lot wonder what i am like
>and what i do just think of MJF. there is more i got or should say but not
>now as i am begging to flack out. U ALL BE GOOD.
>                                                                  I.Y.Q.

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