

i no longer play leapfrog even with my beloved grand divas
nor do i leap metre high fences for any reason so consider myself safe from
the vagaries of unicorn horns
dick and i live on a small acreage just south of brisbane (about 20 minutes
south) we hope to remain here for about 5 years and then move to a less
strenuously demanding abode
our seniors areas are scattered amongst other residential areas i think but
we havent gone into our next move yet

hares.....rabbits are a nono here.....  come to us for their gastronomic
delight about midnight and when we go dancing they greet us as we return
about 11 pm
we feed various varieties of birds, possums and  bats
it is a truly heavenly venue but requires some effort to keep it looking

your life sounds busy still but interesting
mediation for all sorts of acrimony???

enjoy your visit with the family
we are buying a kitten today for a ninth birthday gift for ally
she is beside herself with excitement as is her mum
she's such a *madam*
only child of single mum.. indulged and loved, old beyond her years and a
delight to her grandparents

she is confirming her baptismal vows tonight so we need to be there too
then off dancing
one of my sadnesses is that dancing may be curtailled if i have pd
however one step at a time and we do while we can
love to you both

>From: Charles E Murray <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Parkinson's Information Exchange Network
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Unicorns
>Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 23:53:00 -0700
>you said, "look very caaarefully for unicorns on that fence
>sounds a great place to be
>golf on tap
>We don't have unicorns in Kern City, they are excluded by one of those
>ordinances I mentioned, and must stop at the edge of senior section.  Are
>they really allowed in those small senior areas where you live?  You said
>your senior areas didn't have these types of laws, but if you can go
>after the rabbits, surely you keep the horned ones from pestering your
>About to turn in at daughter's (first night of two week stay).  Pat and I
>went to our Thursday night couples meeting (sort of a 12 step meeting but
>for alkies and family members) .  Tired after long day of moving odds and
>ends to storage while the moving company handled the big stuff, but went
>to meeting anyway as I had traded my little toyota Carrola for big truck
>and needed to get truck back to generous friend.
>When we got to daughters an hour or so ago, our king size bed had
>displaced their den furniture, it was put together and the linens in
>place.  Nice to have kids like this.  Will have a good night's sleep, but
>kicking myself for scheduling a new couple for mediation at 8:30 AM,
>which is on the early side for this parkie to be at the office, let alone
>with the sore muscles I'll have in the morning.
>I better turn in.

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