

Dear Audrey-- no wonder you are upset---but I have to wonder just what the
scan is for?  As you probably know, a CAT scan or MRI does NOT  DIAGNOSE
PD. That is done "clinically", by the neuro looking at the way you look,
walk, etc.   The scans are used to rule out other possible causes of your
symptoms.   Have you seen a neuro who is a movement disorder specialist,
and sees A LOT of PWPs?  Did the Sinemet seem to help you?

I don't know where you live, but you can CALL the  APDA AND THEY CAN TELL

        *   The easy way to find a MOVEMENT DISORDER SPECIALIST is to dial
1-888-400-2732.  This toll free number will ring in the American Parkinson
Disease Association Information & Referral Center.

* You can also email the Parkinson's Disease Foundation for a list of Movement
Disorder Specialists in your area.  Their email is:  <[log in to unmask]>

I'm glad you told the list about the problem, and I expect other folks will
have ideas too---keep in touch.....

Audrey wrote:
>                WelI was told  2 yr's ago I have Pd, they put me on Sinemet
>cr , and then I was going to do the spect scan ,and then I said no ,I didn't
>want any radiation in my boby, so then the DR. said well I dont think you
>have pd , now they are diffrent Dr.'s here . So I thinking he said I dont
>have PD because I wont  take part in his study.1year later ,well I am not
>happy with my neurologist, all he gives me are my meds ,and see you in
>6moths, not good , Two days ago I went to a new neurologist, well he said
>your to young to be on Sinemet cr thats for later  in the PD , then he said I
>don't think you have Parkinsons, go have the scan done that would tell you if
>you do.
>            What to do ,now I 'am crying nobody to talk to  about this , I
>told my self I can't just sit on my --- this time ,and let things go  I have
>fight for my self .                         Two days on the phone , I found a
>new DR. but now I pray I could get another  referral from my DR.
>                                                I don't even want to take my
>meds .
>                                                        Audrey C
>                                                            From CT.

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
<[log in to unmask]>

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                        Caregivers of Parkinsonians ! "
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