


Unfortunately rebooting your computer will not get rid of this worm if you
received it. Run your virus scan program set to all files to see if you do
have it. If your virus scan finds it, you will get a message that it can't
'clean' a file called c:\Windows\system\DC0B3940.hta (at least that's the
one McAfee found on my PC).

Go to:

In the box for the top ten viruses click on #6 for instructions how to get
rid of this worm. Follow them carefully, or if you're nervous about editing
your registry, etc. maybe you know someone who could assist you.

Please everybody- take advantage of virus scanners. And keep your program
updated with the .dat files available for you to download from the home page
of that checker. If you can't afford a virus scan program, you can scan your
pc for free while online with Trend Micro's Housecall:

It will take awhile to load the first time, but it's worth it. It will catch
the latest viruses. I usually run this once a week in addition to McAfee.

Hope this helps.

Barb K (the other Barb)

>You wrote:

Subject: Re: A worm?

Mine, too!

So I "quickly" shut down and re-booted.