

Dear Listmembers,

I feel disgusted and very angry that , in this day of
the internet, and global marketing, that  the
patient's access to time-tested, proven medications
is limited by crazy , self-serving, profit-making,
political and geographic turf wars.
Why are  our valued medications, at this point in human history,
not available GLOBALLY?  They should be!!!

Noting Brian Collins moving and  MARVELLOUS 21st year of success in
living a productive and full life on medications only, and
noting that dispersible Madopar takes only 20 mins.
to take effect, I am frustrated that it is not available in the USA/

So I ask, impatiently, but with hope,

what can we as a world community do, to obtain
dispersible Madopar, globally??

 OR, to put the question in another way, how can we learn
 to apply PRESSURE effectively, upon the manufacturers?

Can we push Dupont to make SInemet,
and Athena to make Atamet, and Teva to make generic
carbidopa-levodopa, all ABSORBABLE within 15-20 minutes?

Or to we be forced to think of working in dangerous, unapproved networks,
linking us to the United Kingdom, to get Madopar??

Even at my best, my "off-periods" can often last 40 minutes,
no matter what I am able to do to prepare for them .or to avoid them.

Should any PWP have to wait unnecessary hours, every day,
in order to function?

Ivan Suzman

BRIAN COLLINS wrote, in part:

> >Murray's Sinemet/Orange juice  is the fastest that I have heard
> of
> >(I haven't tried it myself, because I am quite happy with my
> Madopar
> >Dispersible. These are soluble tablets , come in  100/25 and
> 50/12.5
> >size, and take about 20 mins to feel the effect.
> >Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>  (60/39/34)

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        50/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses         63  deg. F   :-)