

The one person, IMHO, that  you must be comfortable with is your neuro.  I know
from experience that going to a neuro   who you don't like, don't have any
confidence in, or for whatever reason are not comfortable enough with  to say
just about anything to needs    to be replaced and quickly.  My first neuro
couldn't figure out what I had and wound up nearly convincing me all my problems
were in my head and I donut mean physically.  I waited  two more years before
going to another neuro who is terrific and even though he is not a movement
disorder specialist has sent me to see specialists.  He's even had his office
manager make the initial contacts for me.  The right doctor for YOU can make all
the difference in the world.    So keep slugging until you find what you want.
Insist on a  referral if you have to,  and if need be  have another doctor
designated as your primary care physician. I would definitely wait for a second
opinion before taking that test seeing how you feel about it.

As for the meds, are they helping at all?  If you   think they are, by all means
continue   (imh non-professional opinion) until you see the new doctor.  You
might want to discuss  meds with him before he sees you anyway to find out at the
very least whether or not he wants to see  you medicated.  Please see this new
guy as soon as possible.  If you need another      referral    or just want
another opinion   on what  this test is        all   about, I suggest you the
npf  site at  and then head to "ask the
doctor".  I have found dr leiberman quite  help

On a personal note as an old CT Yankee who missed the nutmeg state, I know that
there are some fine facilities in and  around     the state.   All the more
reason to hang in there, don't get discouraged  because you will find someone

Don't let the doctors get you down.  Remember.... all of their   knowledge is
probably academic and come from observing not  personally experiencing.  (my
apologies, in advance, to the  physicians  on this list.  I'm still having
trouble coming to terms  with "what   do you mean there is nothing else you can


Audrey wrote     in part:
           WelI was told  2 yr's ago I have ..pd.... , I found a

> new DR. but now I pray I could get another  referral from my DR.
>                                                 I don't even want to take my
> meds .
>                                                         Audrey C
>                                                             From CT.