

Hi Sharon---I'm sure you will get replies to your drug questions.  Please
realize that every PWP is different, and thus the experiences with meds and
symptoms, progression etc are also different.
My husband (now 82, diagnosed 11 years) had terrible hallucinations with
Mirapex , but does well on ReQuip now. He also takes a lot of Sinemet, and
has from day one, but it should be reduced when an agonist is added, of
course.  There are neuros who hold off on Sinemet, and others who start it
at once, because it is "the gold standard drug" for PD.  Current practice
also may use Eldepryl, ReQuip, or Mirapex alone where symptoms are mild.
If possible, he should see a movement disorder specialist, who sees many
PWPs in various stages.  The right med regimen should definitely be of more
benefit, but it may take some adjusting to find it!

Here are 2 suggestions---check out the PIEN archives for any subjects you
are interested it.
        Try Simon Coles'  archive at
        ALSO  JANET PATERSON'S a new voice:

Then join CARE, the sublist for CGs of PWPs.  I'm posting the instructions
as soon as I sign off with you!

Sharon wrote:
>My Dad has been diagnosed with Parkinson's.  Right now he has a tremor in
>his right arm and is experiencing some of the other early symptoms like a
>shuffle in his gait and a slight difficulty speaking clearly.
>He has not begun any medication yet.  Mom and Dad have heard about some of
>the side effects and are hesitant to take the first step.
>I have read that some of the drugs like Equip and Mirapex can help early
>symptoms alot--maybe for 5 to 10 years.  Could someone help me to know
>about these two drugs and their side effects anyone has experienced.
>In your experience do the benefits outweigh the side effects.?

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
<[log in to unmask]>

           also, on PDWebring at

                        "Ask me about the CARE list for
                        Caregivers of Parkinsonians ! "
           And visit the CARE webring at